Tuesday, December 30, 2008



The Egba Collective in Nigeria and in the Diaspora (ECONID) is compelled to react to the highly provocative Advertorial titled: STATEMENT ON THE INCITING AND OFFENSIVE COMMENTS MADE BY SOME AKE CHIEFS, which appeared in most dailies of today 23rd October 2008. Again, what a way of wasting taxpayers’ money over frivolities! Nevertheless, it is now clear from the tone of the official position of the government of our dear state that only God in His infinite mercies would save us from the siege constituted by dictators who pretend to be democrats. Not even in the days of the military was the affairs of Ogun State left in the hands of infantile who has lost sense of decency in relating with peace loving people as well as royal fathers in the mould of Alake of Egba Land. We would rather not join issue with Kayode Samuel, Hon. Commissioner for Information and Orientation who appeared rather uncultured and unmannerly in his attitude to official matter in a supposed democratic setting. To put it plainly, the problem is with the Governor, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, whose responsibility is it to ensure that Ogun State is governed with modicum of decency afterall.

As responsible body of proud Egba citizens, we boldly challenge the Governor and whoever his supporters are to dethrone or even banish our revered Alake as indicated in the said advertorial. ECONID feels that the Governor is being deceived to contemplate punitive measures against the Alake or any of our chiefs for standing for the truth and by the truth. We make bold to declare that we stand by our royal father in this matter and would not hesitate to challenge the Governor as expected from free citizens with honour and pride. This is 21st century, and we sincerely wonder what gives our highly urbane and sophisticated Governor the impression that the seat of Governor confers on anybody, no matter his pride and ego, the license to play with naked fire. What power does our almighty Governor enjoy to deny citizens free speech? If first class traditional ruler cannot enjoy freedom to make harmless comments in Ogun State, what right then has the Governor or anybody for that matter to lay claim to our mandate. We have realized rather too late that we are in pseudo-democracy in Ogun State. Now that we know that we are in deep crisis of governance, we are also prepared to engage the monsters appropriately.

We have taken notice of the rather childish attempt by the government to create division amongst our people. Referring to Egba Chiefs derogatively as Ake Chief is simply arrogant. It is amazing how uncivilized opportunists could be when intoxicated with political powers. Is it the business of the Governor to remind Egba people about the composition of the famed Egba dynasty? Our tradition and history endured long before Ogun State came into existence and would remain intact several years after Gbenga Daniel and his untutored crowd would have been long forgotten in history.

In our sincere view, the government of Ogun State overreached itself by calling on our royal father to call our chiefs to order. We are proud to have competent and forthright people as leaders in our community. We take absolute objection to any attempt to blackmail our royal institution. We don,t see anything wrong in an attempt by His Royal Highness to clarify the non-political character of his position before the Governor of Ogun State, it is simply a mark of civility, respect for constitution and the rule law. We leave the reading publics with their impression of a Governor who refers to a meeting held with a royal father in close quarters to score cheap political points.

Nothing short of open and unreserved apology to the Alake of Egba Land and our much-maligned Chiefs would assuage the feelings of the Egba.

This is our position! We remained un-intimidated un-cowed by Gov. Daniel!


Soyemi Adeniyi

General Secretary

On behalf of Egba Collective

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